UKTI Language and Culture Masterclass 2015

translation services manchesterOn 10 February 2015, Melanie Smith joined 20 delegates from companies across the North West at the UK Trade & Investment’s Language and Culture masterclass in Manchester. The event sought to identify the measures that companies need to take to allow them to communicate successfully with businesses abroad and we were  – unsurprisingly – delighted to discover that translation featured highly on the agenda.

International communications are an integral part of an export communications strategy and course facilitator Sara Knowles was keen to stress that culture and language are often considered to be amongst the main barriers to export success in foreign markets. As LKT is currently looking to expand its existing range of services to include additional language combinations (both into and out of English), the event served the dual purpose of allowing us to gauge not only what prospective exporters are looking for, but also how best to communicate with new markets.

Ever enthusiastic on the social media front, Melanie quickly took to Twitter to keep our followers in the loop with the excellent tips, tricks and advice presented by the UKTI, generating a great deal of interest from our growing number of “fans”. Leaving with a whole host of new contacts and having been advised to send our details to the facilitator for inclusion in the UKTI’s list of recommended suppliers, the event was certainly a success and we look forward to what the future holds.