As a company which prides itself on its philosophy of supporting students as they prepare to embark upon careers in a challenging yet highly rewarding industry, it was with great pleasure that we accepted an invitation from the University of Manchester to speak at its “Love Languages” careers event on 5 March 2015. Melanie Smith joined six other Manchester alumni on a panel which aimed to provide students with an insight into the diverse range of career opportunities in which language skills have a part to play. As an in-house translator, it goes without saying that linguistic ability is an absolute must; however, it was refreshing to hear that the other panellists had gone on to make use of their language skills in careers as varied as a senior manager for an international bank, a head of language operations for a global media network and even a maths teacher working abroad.
The event was very well organised and provided Melanie with ample opportunity to share her experience with the students, who were keen to learn more about everything from how to get that all-important foot on the ladder, to what employers look for in applicants, and even how many words we are expected to translate per hour! The individual presentations were followed by an informal buffet and drinks, allowing the students – who had turned out in great numbers from first-year to postgraduate level – to approach the panellists on a one-to-one level for further advice and information. The university’s alumni and careers departments provided positive feedback on our contribution to the evening and we were delighted not only to be involved in encouraging the next generation of talented individuals to follow in our footsteps, but also to foster stronger links with yet another well-respected institution.