+44 161 653 1004 info@lktranslations.co.uk
ISO 17100:2015 audit – another round of success for LKT

ISO 17100:2015 audit – another round of success for LKT

ISO 17100:2015 audit – another round of success for LKT   Last month, LKT was pleased to welcome Chris Cox, the Association of Translation Companies’ ISO Standards Expert and Head Auditor, to the office. Following an introduction with Louise and having set...
LKT gains ISO 17100:2015 certification – 2015

LKT gains ISO 17100:2015 certification – 2015

LKT gains ISO 17100:2015 certification – 2015 They say that you’re only as good as your last job, and that’s certainly true for the translation and language services industry. That’s why, at LKT, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality...