+44 161 653 1004 info@lktranslations.co.uk
Industry 4.0 in Rochdale

Industry 4.0 in Rochdale

Industry 4.0 in Rochdale The Industry 4.0 Rochdale “meet”, a precursor to the Industry 4.0 Summit & Expo that is due to take place in Manchester in March next year, was held at Hopwood Hall College on Tuesday 8 October. Local SMEs were invited to attend a morning...
Episode 3 of LKTeam Talks podcast inspired by SWATI event

Episode 3 of LKTeam Talks podcast inspired by SWATI event

Episode 3 of LKTeam Talks podcast inspired by SWATI event Starting out as a translator can be a daunting task for anyone new to the industry. How do you go about getting work in the first place? How do you break out of the vicious cycle of “no experience, no work”?...
LKT marks 15th anniversary with launch of CPD store

LKT marks 15th anniversary with launch of CPD store

LKT marks 15th anniversary with launch of CPD store “Every day’s a school day” as the saying goes, and when you’re working in sectors that are at the cutting edge of technology, the scope for learning is vast, if not endless. That’s why a firm commitment to CPD, or...
ITI Conference 2019

ITI Conference 2019

LKT at the ITI Conference 2019 The Institute of Translation and Interpreting is one of the primary professional bodies in the UK looking after the needs of those working in the languages sector, and holds a conference for its members every two years. The translators...