+44 161 653 1004 info@lktranslations.co.uk
UKTI Explore Export event 2015

UKTI Explore Export event 2015

UKTI Explore Export event 2015 With the company going from strength to strength thanks to our exceptional relationships with existing customers, it would be easy for the team at LKT to rest on its laurels; however, sticking to the status quo simply doesn’t...
ATC Conference 2015

ATC Conference 2015

ATC Conference 2015 It’s hard to believe a year has gone by since Melanie Smith headed down to Brighton to represent Louise Killeen Translations at the ATC Conference. Twelve months ago, we had recently purchased our own, independent office building, taken on two...
Summer team day 2015

Summer team day 2015

Summer team day 2015 With the British summer very much upon us, it was time for our next team day and we decided on the topic “style” for this session. While we have focussed on the translation process itself in previous team days, we thought it would be highly...
Careers in Translation and Interpreting event 2015

Careers in Translation and Interpreting event 2015

Careers in Translation and Interpreting event 2015 Barely two months after speaking at the University of Manchester’s “Love Languages” event, alumna Melanie Smith was invited to reprise her role at another “Careers in Translation and Interpreting” day on 11 May 2015....
Easter team day 2015

Easter team day 2015

Easter team day 2015 “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important”: this might have been true for President Eisenhower back in the 1950s but it certainly doesn’t sound like a day in the life of a translator! The ability to manage our time...