+44 161 653 1004 info@lktranslations.co.uk
University of Manchester careers panel 2015

University of Manchester careers panel 2015

University of Manchester careers panel 2015 As a company which prides itself on its philosophy of supporting students as they prepare to embark upon careers in a challenging yet highly rewarding industry, it was with great pleasure that we accepted an invitation from...
UKTI Language and Culture Masterclass 2015

UKTI Language and Culture Masterclass 2015

UKTI Language and Culture Masterclass 2015 On 10 February 2015, Melanie Smith joined 20 delegates from companies across the North West at the UK Trade & Investment’s Language and Culture masterclass in Manchester. The event sought to identify the measures that...
The big move 2014

The big move 2014

The big move 2014 LK Translations has always been committed to ensuring that its employees benefit from CPD, and it was in this spirit that the whole team gathered in the Middleton office on a sunny 16th May for the latest in a series of team days. This time, the...